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Why Content is Important for SEO

Why Content is Important for SEO

You’ve got to be on your toes to keep up with the SEO game, but even with frequent changes, there are some things that stay the same. The necessity for quality content has always been there, and now it’s even more important.

Writing blog posts and website pages strictly for the search engines — tucking links into every other sentence and overusing keywords — is becoming increasingly useless. Your audience wants quality. And so does Google.

Google’s frequent updates are prioritizing content with original thought, opinions, and useful information over heavy links and sales pitches. And press releases are becoming less relevant to Google — unless they are truly meaningful.

So What is Google Looking for Now?

Original content and earned media.

Don’t throw press releases out the window completely — there is an appropriate time and place for this traditional form of PR. But don’t waste your marketing budget on press releases about corporate updates and awards. Write about those topics on your blog instead. Focus your press release efforts on truly newsworthy content — the kind that will grab the ear of reliable media sources. The kind journalists want to write about. (Because we can promise you the Dallas Morning News isn’t going to run a story about your company’s latest industry award.)

“Earned media” means coverage from trusted and reliable news sources. Research shows that earned media is far more valuable in closing the sales or purchase deal than content marketing. Essentially, your prospective clients need to hear from a third-party source that your products and services are as great as you say they are.

And truthfully, that’s nothing new. Whether it be a news source or a review from a friend on social media, the more your prospects hear others talking positively about your brand, they more interested they will be.

Distributing Content on Social Media for SEO

That brings us to social media. Using social media is an excellent means of distributing news about your company. Dedicate a portion of your marketing budget to bolstering your social networks and engaging fans and followers. Then create great stories for your audience to share, amplifying your message.

It’s nearly impossible to keep up with Google’s changes, but if you focus on generating original, unique content that tells a story people want to hear, your SEO won’t take a blow every time there’s a change in Google’s algorithm.

Frozen Fire is a Dallas internet marketing and video production company that helps companies harness the most powerful aspect of modern marketing—the internet—to engage customers in memorable and meaningful ways. Ways that ignite sales and business growth. Contact us to learn how we can help your business.

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