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Podcast Guide: Is Podcasting Good for My Business?

The way companies do business has changed, not only in the short term, but in the foreseeable future. Businesses both large and small are seeking new ways to share their expertise with audiences and reach customers who need their services. More than ever, people are turning to digital methods of communication and learning. If you are looking for new ways to reach customers and share your brand’s message, starting a Podcast may be a good solution for your team. Here is a Podcast guide to help you decide if this outreach method is right for your business.

Positioning Your Podcast for the Future

Podcasts are not a one and done marketing effort. Like radio and many traditional forms of outreach media, podcasts must air consistently for an extended period of time to show their full value. Don’t create a podcast if you are looking for a stop-gap solution. Use your podcast as a platform that will help you grow, react to changes in your industry and establish yourself as a thought leader in the long run. Below are some great questions to ask yourself as you consider how you will position your podcast for the future:

  1. What is the ultimate goal of the podcast?
  2. What action do I want my listeners to take?
  3. How do I plan to stay relevant, interesting and entertaining for listeners?
  4. Will I have a consistent format and segments or will the podcast be a more casual conversation?
  5. What value am I providing my listeners?
  6. Will we have the same hosts each week?
  7. Will podcast guests be common or a rare occasion?

Podcasts are a great way not only to get your own message out into the world, but also to network with other professionals who can bring their audiences to you. Consider bringing guests to join you and share their experience with your audience. Fans of your guest may listen to your podcast and become long term subscribers as well.

Using Podcasts for SEO & Marketing

Podcasts combine many of the strengths of traditional marketing with the benefits that digital marketing offers clients. Like traditional media such as television and radio shows, podcasts allow you to develop approachable characters and personas that your customers can identify with. The more laid-back nature of podcasts also lays the ground work to build a sense of trust. You don’t have to figure out how to cram your information into 30 or 60 seconds. You can take time to fully explain you point of view and show your knowledge.

Podcasts are designed to be easily shared online through RSS feeds (one of the earliest ways people subscribed to online updates). There are a wide range of websites that make podcast creation and hosting an easy process, but if you truly want to get the most out of your podcast, you should leverage the information you share on your podcast for SEO as well.

Podcast RSS feeds have the ability to share, not only your audio file, but valuable descriptions about the podcast topic, the guests and important keywords. This information can be hugely helpful for search engines like Google and can make it a lot easier for you to get found online. Include a thorough description of each episode to get the most search value from your podcast. Consider using one of the many transcription services to help you pull important information straight out of your conversations.

Strike the Cameras for Flexibility and Low Pressure Recording

Podcasts are a great option for professionals who enjoy sharing their knowledge, but are camera shy. As video production experts, we have run into quite a few instances of stage fright. While we are very good at getting interviewees to relax, there is something undeniably intimidating about being in front of the camera. You are focused, not only on what you are saying, but how you look while you are saying it. Many people find it easier to focus on having a great conversation when microphones and computers are the only equipment in the room.

Podcasts also have the flexibility to incorporate guests who are across the globe. Having a good microphone is a bonus and helps with audio quality. However, at the base level, you really only need a computer and a headset or a computer that comes with a microphone built-in to capture the audio you need for a podcast. This means that the sky is the limit when it comes to choosing your podcast guests. You can start your podcast at any time and bring in people from multiple countries or time-zones at once. No flights, lighting or cameras necessary.

This podcast guide is an article to help you gauge whether a podcast might be good for your business. We aim to help our clients get their message out to audiences in the digital space. We want to help you choose the messaging formats that are right for you. If you are interested in learning more about the steps involved to get started with a podcast, connect with us online or give us a call to talk about your specific goals.

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