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Inside the StoryBrand Framework with Frozen Fire

The average person sees over 3,000 commercial messages per day and doesn’t spend more than five seconds digesting said material. It is imperative that you make your message clear.

“Never assume people understand how your brand can change their lives, tell them.”

Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller introduces The StoryBrand Framework to “make marketing easy.”

This framework is a method for consistently creating relevant and effective messaging. Trusted by 10,000 organizations like Intel and Pantene, the StoryBrand Framework provides a clear structure for success. You must clarify your message to grow your business.

Broken down into seven steps, the StoryBrand Framework creates an outline for how to create impactful messaging:

    1. A Character: The customer is the hero, not your brand. Your brand is the guide.
    2. Has a Problem: Companies sell solutions to external problems, but customers buy solutions to internal problems.
    3. Guide: Customers are not looking for a hero; customers are looking for a guide.
    4. Plan: Customers trust a guide with a plan.
    5. Call them to Action: Call to action is known.
    6. Avoid Failure: No one wants a tragic ending— We must show people the cost of not doing business with us.
    7. Ends in Success: Tell them how.

It’s around this framework that Frozen Fire creates impactful branding and messaging for our clients. Whether you’re starting from scratch or taking a step back to refine your brand, the StoryBrand Framework will not only make an impact on your business but be vital to making your marketing successful.

Learn more about how Frozen Fire can take your marketing to the next level by creating branding that will make an impact today!

“When we define the elements of a story as it relates to our brand, we create a map customers can follow to engage our products and services.”


*Although in agreement with the principles, the Frozen Fire team is not StoryBrand certified.*

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